In honor of Valentine's Day Friday, I couldn't help but share this. Last Valentine's Day I found out I was expecting our fourth baby. My first pregnancy test was completely blank so I had to run out and buy another test that came back positive! Since it was Valentine's Day, I decided to make a cute mini book of clues to surprise my husband with the news. This was my first pregnancy that I was able to make something to surprise my husband.
My first pregnancy was a big surprise and I shared the news over Skype since I wouldn't be seeing him for a few weeks. The other two, my husband was in the other room waiting so this was the first pregnancy I attempted to do something cute to tell him there was another little one joining our family.
I've always had ideas from a cake that said "I'm Pregnant" to handing him a pink and blue balloon and seeing how long it took him to get the hint but I never actually got the chance to do a cute reveal until now.
My husband and I always revealed that we were pregnant to our family before posting it to social media. We usually try to come up with a cute saying and pair it with a picture to reveal our latest addition.
You can check out our other Pregnancy Announcements and Gender Reveals by clicking the links below:
- Pregnancy Announcement Ideas Part 1 - Balloons, Chocolate, Pumpkins & Silly String
- Pregnancy Announcement Ideas Part 2 - Easter eggs, Martini's & Tic-Tac-Toe
- Pregnancy Announcements Ideas Part 3 - Superheros & Pizza
For baby #4, I created a small Valentine's Day book of clues with three riddles/games inside. I set it with the other gifts I bought my husband and waited patiently for him to get home from work and find it.
Every year I decorate a beed box for my husband. I decorated this beer box before I knew I was expecting which made the whole gift funnier in my mind. "You're my favorite thing to do" Decorated Beer Box HERE!!!
To make the book of clues, I first folded a piece of computer paper to make a mini book.
Fold the paper in half three times. Unfold. Cut a slit along the line in the middle. Fold it back up to make pages in a book.
I could be wrong but I think that's how I made the book off the top of my head
I wrote "Happy Valentine's Day" on the cover.

On the first set of pages I wrote "Roses are red, Violets are blue, I have a surprise for you and here's the clues:"
Clue #1: What has 12 hands, 12 feet and likes to surprise people?
Answer: The M Family aka our family
Clue #1 was suppose to be hard because I didn't want my husband to guess it right away. The twelve hands and twelve feet represent our soon to be family of six. The surprise people part is because we keep surprising people with our growing family!
On the second set of pages I made a game.
Clue #2: A game of Hangman with the hint, Song
Answer: Oops we did it again
The song is of coarse Brittany Spears - Oops I did it again which I changed to the "I" to "we" since baby making takes two...
On the third set of pages I wrote, "Any guesses?"
Just incase my husband hadn't figured it out with the saying "Oops we did it again", I asked a question...
Clue #3: What do these things have in common? Minivans, Designated Drivers, Your Clothes, Doctors, October (due date)
Answer: Baby #4, a new baby, OR pregnant me
Just incase my husband still didn't get the memo after the three clues - he did - I made it obvious on the last page by writing "Sorry I'm late but you have good aim!". I had to add a little humor to the situation!
Needless to say my husband was surprised. He asked if I was serious, but was happy about our newest addition. It did put a small damper on the Valentine's Day date he had planned though.
My husband had planned to take me to Battle Axes, a Wine Tasting, and try out a new restaurant. We still went to Battle Axes which was fun but a good work out. We had an entire hour to throw axes, just the two of us so future note to self, go with a group. We skipped the wine tasting and then tried a new restaurant that was just okay. Overall it was a nice date!
Keep scrolling for pictures of our date and the kids Valentine's Day plushes.
Keep scrolling for pictures of our date and the kids Valentine's Day plushes.
This is an exciting moment for both your significant other and you so make this book your own. Add clues that better suite your family and your life. Make it fun and exciting. You can add pictures, sayings, jokes. The possibilities are endless! Congratulations momma!
I'd love to know what clues you added! Comment below!
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