100 Hobbies to do in your Free Time

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Hobbies. A hobby is something that everyone should have. Whether you are busy and on the go or stay at home all day, a hobby is something good to have to help keep you occupied and keep your brain active. If you don't have a hobby, you should definitely pick one up.

If you don't know what a hobby is, a hobby is an activity that someone does in their free time for fun. A hobby can be anything from baking to drawing to photography or crafting. As long as you enjoy it and it hands on, it can be considered a hobby. 

The kids are at school or are taking a nap. Time to find a hobby. 

The kids have officially grown up and moved out. Time to find a hobby. 

You are recently retired. Time to find a hobby.

You are sitting at home bored out of your mind. Time to find a hobby.

It's summer break or Christmas break and you don't have anything on the calendar. Time to find a hobby.

Binge watching your favorite show or playing your favorite game for the hundredth time can get old after a while. Time to find a hobby.

All you need is a little free time to pick up a hobby. Free time? What's that? I never have free time. I have a job. I have kids. I'm married. I have a life. I have a career. I'm busy all the time.

No matter what your excuse is, I guarantee you that you have time to pick up a hobby. You don't need free time everyday; once a week or even once or twice a month will do. The more free time you have, the more time you can put into your hobby. 

100 hobbies, hobbies, hobby, list of hobbies, hobbies for a stay at home moms, hobbies for retired parent, unique hobbies, fun hobbies, list, what to do, bored, get a hobby, nap time now what, kids are in school now what, to do in free time, different hobbies, to do

Now this may sound silly but I believe that everybody needs a hobby. You may not realize it but a hobby can help you stay sane by taking your mind off of everyday stressors and keeping your brain active. If all you do is sit there your mind will wander. You will think about several things from past events to your to-do list and start stressing out even if you don't realize it. Eventually, you may become a negative and gloomy person because all you do is sit there thinking about random nonsense.

Time to find a hobby. 

Having a hobby can help make you feel energized, needed and refreshed. Yes that may sound strange and my hobbies sometimes stress me out more but when I'm done taking a mini photoshoot of my kids, post a completed blog, or finished with my next craft project, I feel better about myself and feel like I accomplished something aside from just bee-ing mommy to my kiddos. 

Even though I'm a stay-at-home mom, I don't always have time for my hobbies but I still like to try to find time. My go to "me time" aka "hobby time" is during my kids nap time. 

I have several hobbies from crafting to blogging to photography to organizing. My hobbies help me stay sane. My hobbies keep my brain active and creative. My hobbies are my mini escape from bee-ing mommy 24-7 all day everyday. I love my kids but being around them 24-7 with minimum adult interaction and minimum alone time can be tough which is why I picked up a few hobbies.

No matter what your situation is, you have probably realized that it is time to find a hobby. Now where do I begin? What if I'm not good at anything? What hobbies are there? Can I have more than one hobby? 

I have created this list of some hobbies that you can pick up. You can try one hobby or try them all. The best part about a hobby is that you don't have to be good at it, you just have to enjoy doing it. As long as you enjoy your hobby then you are good! If you find yourself not enjoying your hobby then maybe take a break or try a new a hobby. 

A hobby can be almost anything that you enjoy doing in your free time and Yes you can have more than one hobby. If you're really good at your hobby, you may be able to turn it into a side job or even a career. You'd be surprised at how much better you will feel about yourself when you find a hobby that you love.

100 different Hobbies to try:

  1. Exercise - go for a daily walk or run; yes you can become addicted to exercise
  2. Try a new Sport - golf, tennis, running, volleyball, soccer, yoga, martial arts
  3. Dance - Zumba, Ballroom, Tango, Pole dancing
  4. Swimming
  5. Biking
  6. Bowling
  7. Music - piano, guitar, violin, DJing, etc...
  8. Singing / Karaoke 
  9. Photography
  10. Design - design logos there are several websites out there where you can submit logo designs and if you win you get paid. Or volunteer to make relative and friends party invitations.
  11. Writing - song, book, screenwriting, poetry, journaling, just because
  12. Start a Blog
  13. Practice Calligraphy
  14. Reading - book club, studying / researching a top (magic, animals, etc...), just because
  15. Learn a New Language
  16. Knitting / Crocheting - hats, scarfs, baby photo props
  17. Sewing - my grandma makes quilts and donates them to hospitals
  18. Embroidery
  19. Vinyl Crafts - shirts, signs, cups, 
  20. Ballon Twisting
  21. Puppet Making
  22. Doll Making
  23. Origami
  24. Paper Machete 
  25. Card Making
  26. Cartooning / Animation - comic books, posters
  27. Drawing
  28. Painting
  29. Coloring - adult coloring books
  30. Crafting - Pinterest, home projects, make gifts for family, sell crafts online, 
  31. Lamp Making
  32. Glass Making / Cutting
  33. Wood Carving / Burning
  34. Furniture Making 
  35. Leather - belts, jewelry, purses, shoes
  36. Welding
  37. Engraving
  38. Metal Detecting 
  39. Treasure Hunting / Geocaching
  40. Automotive / Fix Vehicles
  41. Ceramics - Sculpting, Pottery
  42. Sand Art / Sand Castle Making
  43. Candle Making
  44. Soap Making - bath bombs are in right now!
  45. Jewelry Making
  46. Flower Arranging 
  47. Party Planning 
  48. Make-up - learn new makeup techniques
  49. Hair - learn new hair styles
  50. Nail Decor - learn how to do fancy manicures and pedicures
  51. Face Painting
  52. Magic - learn card tricks, magic tricks, etc...
  53. Juggling
  54. Cosplay
  55. Competitive Eating Contests
  56. Taste Testing
  57. Beverage Making - beer, wine, mixology
  58. Baking - cakes, cake pops, cookies, candy making
  59. Cooking - jams, beer cheese, entrees, casseroles 
  60. Gardening
  61. Landscaping 
  62. Taxidermy 
  63. Hunting / Fishing
  64. Shooting
  65. Archery
  66. Hiking
  67. Canoeing / Kayaking
  68. Traveling
  69. Snorkeling
  70. Surfing
  71. Star Gazing
  72. Cloud Watching
  73. Bird Watching
  74. Bug Collecting
  75. Product Testing - Test out products, post about products you love or hate. Influence your friends, family, colleges about the products. Yes it's a thing.
  76. Couponing
  77. Computer Programing / Coding
  78. Start a YouTube Channel 
  79. Podcasting
  80. Videography / Film / Video Editing
  81. Binge Watch the latest shows and write reviews
  82. Organize your House - I'm sure there is at least one room in your house that is a mess. You can go through your closet, organize it and get rid of what you don't want
  83. Thrifting / Selling Stuff - sell items you no longer want, sell family's items for a commission, buy cheap (goodwill, yard sale, flea markets) and resell for more on eBay, yard sale site, craigslist
  84. Renovating Properties
  85. Flip Furniture - Restoring / Refurbishing old and used furniture.
  86. Organize Pictures - label them, photo book, baby book, Shutterfly book
  87. Scrapbooking
  88. Games - online gaming, video games, board games, trivia nights, create your own game
  89. Puzzles - crosswords, sudoku,
  90. Toy Making
  91. Substitute Teacher - you can choose to sub or not, great way to teach without being a full time teacher
  92. Collect Something - rocks, cards, ties, coins, stamps, cars, shells, bugs, stickers, marbles, comics
  93. Building - model trains, model planes, legos, birdhouses, decks, 
  94. Learn Something New - instrument, sport, code, 
  95. Massage
  96. Volunteer
  97. Pet Sitting
  98. Farming
  99. Cleaning
  100. Racing - box cars, derby cars, boats, turtles, 

Hobbies help give you something to look forward to. Hobbies give you something to do when you are bored. Hobbies help keep your brain active. Hobbies help fill the free time. Hobbies can come in many forms. Find something you enjoy doing whether it is something everyone else does or something unique. 

There are hundreds of hobbies out there. This list is just to get you started. I hope you find a hobby that you enjoy doing. Comment below with your favorite hobby!

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100 hobbies, hobbies, hobby, list of hobbies, hobbies for a stay at home moms, hobbies for retired parent, unique hobbies, fun hobbies, list, what to do, bored, get a hobby, nap time now what, kids are in school now what, to do in free time, different hobbies, to do


  1. Haha very cute list Danielle! I've been trying out candle making and bird watching lately, you should add some of these to your list.
