3 kids in 3 years, I must be crazy right?

I have come to the conclusion that I am that mom with three kids that everyone stares at. I had three kids in three years and I somehow manage to get by on a daily basis.

I will admit that parenting three little ones is not easy. It can be physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting and stressful at times. I'm in my 20's and my hair has already started to turn gray. I joined the minivan club a lot sooner than I thought I would and I'm still holding on to some of my pre-baby clothes hoping to one day wear them again.

I sometimes think I am crazy for having kids this close in age and often think to myself, "people have age gaps between kids for a reason; one baby is more than enough to take care of and now I'm out numbered..." but then I tell myself that people who spread their kids way out are the crazy ones because they have to start all over again, especially if they already sold all the baby stuff. 

My daughter was six months old when I found out we were expecting my second child who came two weeks early making them fourteen in a half months apart. My son was ten months old when I found out I was pregnant with my third child. He was on time thank goodness so my boys are nineteen months apart.

From the months October to December my kids are consecutive ages aka stair step kids.

3 kids in 3 years, crazy mom, crazy kids, kid age gap, kids close together, mom life, parenting, kids, benefits to having kids close in age, disadvantages to having kids close in age, three kids in three years, multiple kids

Yes I know some people have kids closer in age than I did, I mean it only takes nine months to have a baby, but not many people can say they had three kids in three years. Needless to say I'm dreading high school when I'll have a Freshman, Junior and Senior and then comes college...

People said we were crazy. The looks. The stares. I randomly get asked if my oldest two are twins and I'm waiting for the day when they look like triplets. Even our family shook their heads and thought we were crazy. It's a running joke that we don't know how to use contraceptives or maybe contraceptives just don't like me

My husband and I have been asked on more than one occasion, 

"Are they all yours?"

"You know how this happens right?"

or my favorite from an older man, "Have you figured out how this works yet? *laughs and walk away".

I usually laugh or smile and say "Yes" but inside I'm screaming "mind your own business". I can say that we have become the go to parents for multiples though. We get asked all the time if it's easier going from one to two kids or two to three kids - two is harder, three is just another number.

Like anything else in life, there are benefits and disadvantages to having kids so close together. Yes I may be crazy but I wouldn't change it for the world or at least I try to convince myself of that when times get tough. 

Some Benefits: 
  • You already have all the baby items, baby gear, maternity clothes, etc...
  • Best friends forever!
  • The kids will always have someone to play with.
  • Kid's reach milestones faster because siblings are closer in age - monkey see monkey do.
  • You never transitioned out of the "baby phase" so you are more apt to know what to do.
  • Kids may be on the same sports team = less running around.

Some Disadvantages:
  • Your body is more likely to have physical problems due to not healing completely from the lack of gap between kids. 
  • Diapers Diapers Diapers = $$$
  • Three carseats = bigger vehicle
  • It's harder to go places, especially out to eat - 2 high chairs & a booster or 2 boosters & a high chair  
  • Less time spent focusing on one child & their milestones because you now have another little one that needs attention.
  • Smaller age gap =  less help from siblings

Being a stay-at-home mom to three kids within three years of age of each other is hard but raising any child can be hard. There are good days and there are bad days but if I could go back and space my kids out a little more, I honestly wouldn't because I love how close my kids are to each other.

Yes they fight and argue but what siblings doesn't? Yes I wish I had a bigger house as we quickly ran out of room (bought for 3, ended up with 5) but I'm glad I had my kids close in age because they will always be close and have a friend.

I always wanted three kids, I just wanted at least a three year gap between each kid so it's safe to say all three of my pregnancies were beautiful, unplanned blessings. I wanted a bigger age gap, but God had a different plan.

And to finally answer the question - 3 kids in 3 years, I must be crazy right?

Having kids does not make you crazy, but kids can drive you crazy.

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