My younger brother married his high school love December 30, 2016; what better way to end the year if you ask me!
My husband and I decided to make my brother and his wife a personalized coat hanger. This was inspired by the coat hanger on the wall by our front door that has a sign hanging above it with our last name on it.
Shortly after we got married and bought a house, one of the things missing was a coat closet so we purchase a coat hanger from Target to hang by our front door. When they announced the wedding date, I thought what better gift. It is creative, useful and meaningful.
The coat hanger was the first gift (that I'm aware of) that had their new last name and wedding date on it. The personalized coat hanger is unique and makes a great keepsake. It can hold coats, hoodies, purses and even your keys. Find out how we made the personalized coat hanger below.
The new Mr. & Mrs.:
- 6x24 Piece of wood - cut & sanded
- Wood Stain
- Sharpie Oil-Based Paint Markers
- Wood Sealer
- 4-6 Coat Hooks
- Drill
- 2 Wall Hanging Hooks
How To
1. Cut and sand a piece of wood the length you want it to be. We used an old 6x24 piece of fence wood. The wood can be any length you want.
2. Stain the wood. Let Dry
You can also paint to wood a solid color if you don't like the way stained wood looks.
Stain Color Used: Colonial Maple
3. Decide how you want to personalize the coat rack. Some possibilities are:

8. Cover the wood with a sealer. You can use a gloss spray such as Rust-Oleum Ultra Cover Clear Gloss Spray, Mod Podge or a wood sealer. The sealer will help seal the paint and make the coat hanger last longer. Depending on what sealer you choose, it will also add a shine to the wood.
- The (last name) Family
- Mr. & Mrs. (last name)
- The (last name) Home
- The (last name)'s
- Welcome
- You can add "est. (year established)" to any of the sayings
4. Write OR Print out the saying in the font and size you want to use.
5. Transfer the words onto the wood. You can do this several different ways. In this case, I placed my words on top of the wood and centered them. I used a ball-point pen and gently traced over the words thus creating a small outline in the wood. If you look closely you can see the outline in the picture below. Make sure to leave room for the coat hooks.
*** Check out Step 4 in my blog, Growth Chart Ruler Tutorial, for another way you can transfer the words onto the wood.
I used a white sharpie paint pen to fill in the words. You can use any color you want to match the color of your wood.
7. Optional: Outline the words with a different color. Let Dry.
I used a silver sharpie paint pen to outline the words. This helped the words stand out and helped tie the words into the color of the hooks. You can use any color you want to outline the words in.
7. Optional: Outline the words with a different color. Let Dry.
I used a silver sharpie paint pen to outline the words. This helped the words stand out and helped tie the words into the color of the hooks. You can use any color you want to outline the words in.

9. Add coat hooks.
I added four coat hooks to the wood. You can use any kind (style/color) of coat hook you prefer. Make sure to evenly space out the hooks.
I recommend using four to six hooks depending on the style of hook and length of the wood. I used four silver hooks I bought from Meijer. You can use any color hook you want to match the colors of the paint. The hooks usually come in white, black, gold and silver. You can also use dresser draw knobs instead of hooks if you prefer. You can buy coat hooks online or in most chain stores such as Target, Lowes, etc. The coat hooks vary from $1.00 to $5.00 a piece depending on the style you buy.
I used two sawtooth hangers (pictured below) and attached them to the back. You can choose any hanging technique you prefer. Keep in mind that this is a coat hanger and some coats and purses can be heavy so you want to make sure it is secure.
11. Wrap it up and give the personalized coat rack you worked so hard on as a gift; or maybe you made if for yourself and want to hang it by your front door for all to see!
The personalized coat rack isn't to difficult to make and for me was only the cost of the coat hooks being that I already had the rest of the supplies. The personalized coat rack is a great gift for a newly engaged or married couple. It is also a meaningful gift because it shows you care by taking the time to make a gift instead of buy a gift. Every coat rack is unique in it's own way due to color scheme and personalization. You can personalize the coat rack to say anything you want. If you want to make one for your home you can use words such as HOME, FAMILY or WELCOME on it instead. Be creative and make it your own. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and happy crafting!