Decorative Beer Box Gifts for Him

When you can't think of what to get your significant other, grab a 6-pack and show up with a smile on your face. Beer is one gift you can keep giving without it ever getting old; that is if your man is a beer drinker.... and just like almost any guy, my husband loves beer. For the past four Valentine's Days I have gotten my husband beer along with candy, etc... I like to keep Valentine's Day's gifts smaller and go all out for Christmas.

Since Valentine's Day just passed I figured I would post my decorative beer boxes from the past few years. In 2012 I got him Bud Light Platinum to try since he had never had it.

Our second Valentine's Day in 2013 I decided to be more creative by decorating a 6-pack of Blue Moon with the saying "I love you to the MOON and back!":

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Our third Valentine's Day in 2014 I decorated a 6-pack of Leinenkugel Berry Weiss (Leinenkugel is his favorite) with the saying "I love you BERRY beery much!":

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Our fourth Valentine's Day in 2015 I decorated a 6-pack of Corona Extra with the saying "I'm EXTRA lucky to have you in my life!" and no I didn't forget to buy a lime.

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How To Decorate a Beer Box:

1. I came up with a cute and simple saying using a word from each of the beer boxes.  It is easier to pick a beer and then try to come up with a saying to go with it. Examples:
  • Corona Extra - "I'm EXTRA lucky to have you in my life!" or                                             "You're an Extraordinary _____ (man, lover, husband, boyfriend)"                                       
  • Berry Beer: "I love you BERRY beery much!" or "You're my BERRY special Valentine!"

2. I then used construction paper and sharpies to decorate and write the sayings. Luckily the three beers I've given my husband so far related to a fruit, thus making it easier to decorate. You could always add hearts or just the saying if you can't think of anything else.

3. After I had everything drawn/written I cut it out and figured out how I wanted it placed on the beer box.

4. I then used a hot glue gun to glue all the pieces onto the beer box. It is easier to glue the pieces on the box if the beer is not in it and the box is laying flat.

5. Put the beer back in the box and surprise your significant other with a cute decorative beer box!
I hope your significant other enjoys their Decorative Beer Box as much as my husband did. I have a few more cute sayings to match different beers but I'm keeping them to myself for now to keep the Decorative Beer Box Valentine's Day tradition going!!!


Check out my post Decorated Beer Box Gifts throughout the years for a complete list of all the decorated beed boxes I've created.