Today I had a Lunchable for Lunch...

Lunchable, lunch, mom life, life with kids, me time, take time for you, inspire, inspiration, mom time, relax, #momlife, parenting is hard, how to take me time, alone time with kids

I had a Lunchable for lunch. No I'm not a kid although sometimes I feel like a kid at heart. I am just a mom. Through the chaos of getting my kids off to school, putting away dishes and cleaning up the house I didn't have time to eat breakfast so I decided to have a Lunchable for lunch. 

Yes I know it's probably not healthy but it was quick and easy for me to make. Plus it only cost a dollar on sale so my lunch was most likely cheaper than your lunch. 

As a mom we take care of everyone else but us. When we have a child, we learn to grow up and grow up fast. We become whatever our child needs us to be. A barber. A chef. A nurse. A chauffeurBut most of all we are a mom.
We loose track of who we are and who we use to be because all that matters is raising and protecting our children.

So today in all the chaos I took some time for myself. I had a Lunchable and watched an episode or two or three during my kids nap time. I was lazy and I plan on being lazy again tomorrow during nap time.

The laundry can wait. The toys all over the floor can wait. The dishes can wait... maybe not. Life may be hectic but if you don't step back and take a minute for yourself, it will only become more hectic. Our kids need us to be mom but how can we be mom if we loose track of who we are?

Let today be the day. Take a minute, five minutes, or even an hour to do something for you. Catch up on a show, make some tea, go for a run or take a bubble bath in peace. Let today and everyday be that day because if we loose track of who we are now, we will be lost when the kids are grown and no longer need our daily does of love and help.

Lunchable, lunch, mom life, life with kids, me time, take time for you, inspire, inspiration, mom time, relax, #momlife, parenting is hard, mom's favorite happy hour, how to take me time, alone time with kids